Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Does a McD's hamburger decompose?

I've seen those pictures
floating around the internet for a while now..
the ones that show a McDonald's hamburger,
and how, after a long period of time,
it looked the same as
the day the person bought it..
it talks about how the burger
does not go bad..
and if food doesn't decompose
it's an unhealthy food choice
(think Twinkie)
my curiosity got the better of me today..
going to do my own version of
myth busting...
today I went to our local McDonalds
and paid $1.35 for a plain,
(no condiments on it at all)
child's size hamburger
Tyler was with me,
and he commented how the burger doesn't even
smell appetizing anymore
(we haven't eaten at McD's for a couple of years
and we don't find that "fast food" smell
appealing at all)
I'll wrap this burger back up
in the wrapper it came in.. 
and leave it on the table in our living room..
I'll check it daily
and make notes as to if/when it starts to go bad
we did a unplanned experiment this past Christmas like this,
using those 2 bite cupcakes that are sold
in the local grocery stores..
chocolate ones with
white icing,
with coloured sprinkles on top...
the cupcakes started going hard a week past
their "best before date"
.. after 2 months I threw them out..
they  LOOKED exactly like they did
the day I bought them..
the only difference was that they were as hard as a rock
by the time I threw them out..
that was a big eye opener for Tyler,
and he's never asked me to buy him
a package of those cupcakes since
now I'm wondering if this experiment
is going to solidify our stance
to never eat at McD's again ;)  

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

*THAT* tree is down!

that tree..
yep.. THAT one..
the one that Ron was repelling
back in October
it saw it's final day
Tuesday June 4th
it's down!
the broken leg gets the last laugh ;)
and now the process
of turning it into firewood begins..
June 5th..

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ginny, the Goose, is a mom

Ginny became a mom
thanks to the
Tyler Adoption Agency
haha ;)
Ginny had been setting on eggs
for a few weeks,
we knew they weren't fertile eggs
(as we do not have a mature male goose)
so when Tyler picked up his order of
ducklings on Saturday June 1st..
he placed 2 of the ducklings under
Tyler watched and waited to see if Ginny
would accept these day-old ducklings,
as newly hatched babes of her own ..
and she did!