Saturday, August 17, 2013

musket practice

they guys were out testing their new guns today..
Tyler was up first..
Tyler's shots are the 3 making the curve
next up Ron...
Ron's 3 are..
just near the middle of the side of the box,
the one on the flap
and one shot went through one of the openings



Thursday, August 15, 2013

random pictures

the meat birds are doing well..
they have about a month left to grow
maybe two.. we'll see..
my favourite tree hasn't started changing colours yet
Charlie snoozing away in his dugout
Tyler and Ron bought new guns last weekend.

blackberry season has begun!

while there were still a lot of red berries
there are a good amount of ones that have ripened
we will do the majority of the picking this weekend
when Ron is home..
I was not comfortable out in the bush
without him and his gun beside me ..